GPU Passthrough using VFIO

This guide walks you througη the process of passing a GPU through to a Virtual Machine (VM), an essential step for setting up a VM to function as a Kubernetes GPU worker.

What you’ll need

Το complete this guide, you will need the following:

Step 1: Set your Primary Display for the Host

This step is essential for switching the primary display to the integrated GPU, thereby leaving the dedicated GPU available for use by the VM.

What you’ll need

To complete this step, you will need:

  • Access to the BIOS settings of the host machine.


Follow the steps below to set the primary display for the host machine. The steps configure the X server to use the integrated GPU and set the primary display in the BIOS settings.

  1. Get the BusID of the integrated GPU by running the following command:

     user:~/virtml$ lspci | grep VGA
     00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Raptor Lake-S GT1 [UHD Graphics 770] (rev 04)
     01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GA106 [GeForce RTX 3060 Lite Hash Rate] (rev a1)


    In this example, the BusID of the integrated GPU is PCI:0:2:0.

  2. Export the BusID in an environment variable:

    user:~/virtml$ export PCI_BUS_ID="PCI:0:2:0"
  3. Create the configuration file for the X server, using the provided template:

    user:~/virtml$ j2 infra/intel.conf.j2 > intel.conf
  4. Copy the configuration file to the X server configuration directory:

    user:~/virtml$ sudo cp intel.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf
  5. Change the ownership and the group of the configuration file to root:

    user:~/virtml$ sudo chown root:root /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf
  6. Boot to UEFI/BIOS settings, and set the primary display to the integrated GPU. Look under “Advanced” settings, for an option like “Primary Display”. Set it to “Auto” and connect the monitor directly to the motherboard. Alternativelly, set it to “CPU” or “iGPU” if available.

    user:~/virtml$ sudo systemctl reboot --firmware-setup

Step 2: Enable GPU Passthrough

In this section, you will bind the GPU to the VFIO driver and prevent the Linux Kernel from loading the NVIDIA driver during boot.

What you’ll need

To complete this step, you will need:

  • A dedicated GPU that is not being used by the host.


Follow the steps below to bind the GPU to the VFIO driver and prevent the Linux Kernel from loading the NVIDIA driver during boot.

  1. Change to root user:

    user:~/virtml$ sudo su -
  2. Get the PCIe ID of the GPU:

    root:~# lspci -nn | grep -i nvidia
    01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GA106 [GeForce RTX 3060 Lite Hash Rate] [10de:2504] (rev a1)
    01:00.1 Audio device [0403]: NVIDIA Corporation GA106 High Definition Audio Controller [10de:228e] (rev a1)


    The PCIe ID of the VGA controller is 10de:2504 and the Audio device is 10de:228e. Take a note of these IDs. You will need them later.

  3. Change the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT variable in the /etc/default/grub file to include the following options:

    • intel_iommu=on: Enable IOMMU for the integrated GPU.

    • iommu=pt: Enable IOMMU passthrough.

    root:~# sed -i 's/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="\(.*\)"/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="\1 intel_iommu=on iommu=pt"/' /etc/default/grub
  4. Update the GRUB configuration:

    root:~# update-grub
  5. Create a configuration file to bind the GPU to the VFIO driver:

    a. Run the following command:

    root:~# cat > /etc/modprobe.d/vfio.conf

    b. Copy and paste the following text:

    options vfio-pci ids=10de:2504,10de:228e
    softdep nvidia pre: vfio-pci


    Replace 10de:2504,10de:228e with the PCIe IDs of your GPU.

    c. Run CTRL + D to exit.

  6. Update the initial ramdisk:

    root:~# update-initramfs -c -k $(uname -r)
  7. Reboot the system:

    root:~# reboot


Verify that the GPU is bound to the VFIO driver:

  1. Check if the GPU is bound to the VFIO driver:

    root:~# lspci -k | grep -E "vfio-pci|NVIDIA"
    01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GA106 [GeForce RTX 3060 Lite Hash Rate] (rev a1)
        Kernel driver in use: vfio-pci
    01:00.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation GA106 High Definition Audio Controller (rev a1)
        Kernel driver in use: vfio-pci