Welcome to Dotfiles’s documentation!
Welcome to my personal dotfiles repository! ⚙️
Here, you’ll find my collection of configuration files for various tools and applications that I use on a daily basis and how to install these tools and applications.
⚠️ If you decide to use my dotfiles, please review the code and remove things you don’t want or need. Don’t blindly use my settings unless you know what that entails. Use at your own risk!
Dotfiles are used to customize your system’s environment. This repository serves as a central hub to store, manage, and share my configurations for applications such as the shell (bash, zsh), editors (Vim/Neovim), and many others.
Whether you’re looking to adopt some of my configurations or just curious about different ways to optimize your development environment, feel free to explore and borrow whatever you find useful.
🚧 🚧 🚧 This will always be a work in progress. 🚧 🚧 🚧
Dimitris Poulopoulos dimitris.a.poulopoulos@gmail.com
I warmly welcome your feedback and look forward to hearing from you!